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Kimonos: Shine at parties or Chic lounging!

by Joyce Monteiro 03 Apr 2024 0 Comments

The kimono is back - do you need one too? (Spoiler alert: 'Yes' of course!)

The Japanese kimono in its current form has its origins in the 14th century, which goes back a little further than vintage! Fun fact: Kimono actually means 'what someone wears' and therefore comes in many variations: from short to long over the ground. The wide sleeves are real show stoppers. You can wear a kimono open or closed with a belt: the obi. Fast forward a few centuries to the 20th century: how we mainly know the kimono!

The kimono has regularly come in, out and back into fashion over the years. In the 1920s she was worn quietly over a flapper dress for the perfect Roaring Twenties look. In the 1940s, Asian elements were popular, which meant that the kimono was a must in the 1940s , and they returned again in the 1970s , when everything mystical and mysterious was hip & happening in 1970s fashion.

Why are you in love with the kimono : to comfortably steal the show at every party? Or to lounge super chic at home? Reason enough to have a complete collection!

Kimonos are as versatile as they are breathtaking. Are you going for the vintage glam look? Then you will immediately fall in love with the kimonos fromUnique Vintage ! Does a more alternative and darker Witchy Chic model suit you better? In that case, Killstar 's kimonos can immediately go to the top of your wish list!

Do you always dress as if it is your last day and addicted to admiring looks and compliments? With the Birth of Venus kimono from Arratta they are guaranteed! Also with the Canadian Market of Stars you don't just wear a work of art, you are the work of art :)

One Hundred Stars not only has exotic kimonos with storks and blossoms, even matching trousers: this way you will certainly steal the show in the most comfortable way!

If you're tired after a long day of showcasing fantastic looks and want to relax on the couch, the Celestial Kimono from Fable England is ready for you.

You get it: the spoiler was right!

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