Miss Pinup Benelux 2019: Het Verslag

Miss Pinup Benelux 2019: The Report

15 July 2019Joyce Monteiro

Miss Pinup Benelux

The beginning

It was exactly how it should be: after Miss Sugarcoated herself Vivian came 3rd at the Viva Las Vegas election, the lightbulb moment came at home. Why not just in our own little country? The partner in crime was quickly found in Succubus: 2 companies that work daily on what Miss Pinup stands for: celebrating femininity! The requirements to participate were simple: size, age and gender don't matter: humor, style, passion for Pinup and a bit of self-mockery, all the more ;)

The preliminary rounds

Immediately there was enthusiastic registration, with a remarkably high number at the very last moment ;) But the ladies still had to prove themselves in one of the 5 preliminary rounds. Each preliminary round had its own charms and special locations:

Classic Job Oldtimer Garage/Showroom in Dalfsen
Succubus.nl Showroom in Wormerveer
Tiki's Tiki Bar in Rotterdam
Tom's American Diner in Roosendaal
Flamingo Bar in Antwerp

One thing was everywhere: nerves... And hairspray ;) From 165 registrations and 5 preliminary rounds, 13 finalists emerged from the Netherlands and Belgium. Proud as a peacock, but then these top players suddenly had a view of the crown:

Mrs Crimson Kitty
Miss Velvet Storm
Lovely Ariane
Josephine de Bonbonnière
Foxy Sjharlie
Suzie Sew
Missy Ody
Rosalynn Vintage
Loulou LaBelle
Miss Justine Rouge
Mean Missy
Miss Jekyll and Hyde
DeeDee Cherie

The finale

After months of preparation, the time had finally come on March 29: the final! 13 beautiful ladies, who despite their screaming nerves are ready to give everything. And we mean EVERYTHING!

The fun starts in the afternoon in the breathtaking De Avenue location in Breda, when the ladies arrive to do a practice lap and of course to have a nap. Tutting for pros of course, with a backstage area full of suitcases, beauty cases and... a coffin. Coffin? Yes, the finalists are also on par with Broadway in terms of sets! Complete backdrops, cows, beach balls, plumes and feathers, the average boudoir would have been jealous. And apologies to the planet, because with so much hairspray there must have been a new hole in the ozone layer! But the ladies looked so beautiful...

The audience also looked great: ladies in Vavavoom pencil or petticoat swing dresses, gentlemen in tight suits, everything in between and reversed! Everyone is ready to be photographed by our equally enthusiastic photographers.

While the finalists wait backstage for their stage time, the audience is surprised with the most heartfelt, meticulously prepared acts. The ladies themselves never expected this when they registered! Each and every one of them completely captivated the audience, with the appropriate oohh, ahhh and whistling when another glove flew through the air, bursts of laughter and surprised (and let's be honest: delighted) looks ;)

After 13 thrilling acts, the jury had the tough task of choosing. Because yes, what do you judge on? After a tough discussion, the word finally came out: the top 3!

1st place:. Rosalynn Vintage
2nd place: Joséphine de Bonbonnière
3rd place: Suzie Sew

The coveted crown, but also the prizes were worth drooling over:
1st place: €500 Succubus.nl Shop credit + Sugarcoated Experience worth €499 + €500 Collectif shop credit
2nd place: €250 Collectif shopping credit
3rd place: €100 Collectif shopping credit

You can see: Collectif was so enthusiastic that they were more than happy to become the main sponsor of the final!

Once off stage all emotions are released. There is laughter, tears are shed and, above all, a lot of love is shared. Because one of our favorite things about this pageant was how supportive ("yeah, I'll bring you a drill") and encouraging ("you can do it!") this amazing group of women was, even though they did not reach the finals. A genuine piece of camaraderie that we hope to experience again next year!

Because indeed: Miss Pinup Benelux 2020 is a fact! Look here for all the information and yes: last year's participants can simply take another chance :)

Enjoyed all those beautiful photos? We can thank our top photographers for that!

Shirley van der Sluys
Frans de Winter
Eva Schweizer
Peter Kerkhoff

And of course to our fantastic jury, whose task we did not envy:

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